spring boot endpoint getting list from the body

To create a Spring Boot endpoint that retrieves a list from the request body, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define a model class: Create a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class that represents the structure of the data in the list. This class should have private fields with corresponding getter and setter methods.

  2. Create a controller class: Create a controller class using the @RestController annotation. This class will handle the HTTP requests and responses.

  3. Implement the endpoint: Inside the controller class, create a method and annotate it with @PostMapping or @RequestMapping to specify the URL and HTTP method for the endpoint. The method should have a parameter of type @RequestBody List<YourModelClass> to receive the list from the request body.

  4. Process the list: Inside the method, you can perform any required operations on the received list. This could include validation, manipulation, or storing the data in a database.

  5. Return a response: Depending on your use case, you can return a response to the client. This could be a success message, a modified list, or any other relevant information.

By following these steps, you can create a Spring Boot endpoint that retrieves a list from the request body.