spring boot call method after startup with repository

To call a method after startup in Spring Boot using a repository, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a method in your repository interface: Define a method in your repository interface that you want to call after Spring Boot startup. This method should have the appropriate return type and arguments based on your requirements.

  2. Implement ApplicationRunner or CommandLineRunner: Create a class that implements the ApplicationRunner or CommandLineRunner interface. These interfaces provide a run() method that will be executed after the Spring Boot application has started.

  3. Autowire the repository: In the class implementing ApplicationRunner or CommandLineRunner, autowire the repository interface that contains the method you want to call after startup. This will allow you to access the repository methods within the run() method.

  4. Override the run() method: Override the run() method from the ApplicationRunner or CommandLineRunner interface. Inside this method, call the desired method from the repository that you want to execute after startup.

Here is an example implementation:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments;
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MyApplicationRunner implements ApplicationRunner {

    private final MyRepository myRepository;

    public MyApplicationRunner(MyRepository myRepository) {
        this.myRepository = myRepository;

    public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
        // Call the desired method from the repository

In the example above, the MyApplicationRunner class implements the ApplicationRunner interface. The MyRepository interface is autowired into the class using constructor injection. In the run() method, the myMethod() from the repository is called.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the desired method in your repository is executed after the Spring Boot application has started.