reponse entity as result spring controller

To return a ResponseEntity as a result in a Spring controller, follow these steps:

  1. Create Controller Method: Define a method in your controller class to handle the request. Use the appropriate request mapping annotation such as @GetMapping, @PostMapping, etc., to specify the endpoint.

  2. Method Definition: Inside the method, create an instance of ResponseEntity. This class allows you to build a response with HTTP status, headers, and body.

  3. Set Response Body: Use the ResponseEntity.ok() method to create a successful response (HTTP status 200) and set the body of the response using .body() method. Pass the object you want to return as the response body.

  4. Additional Configurations: Optionally, you can set HTTP headers or specify different HTTP status codes based on your requirements. For instance, you can use .header() to add custom headers and .status() to set a different HTTP status.

  5. Return ResponseEntity: Finally, return the ResponseEntity instance from your method. This will be converted to the appropriate HTTP response by Spring.


import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class ExampleController {

    public ResponseEntity<String> getExample() {
        String responseBody = "This is an example response";
        return ResponseEntity.ok(responseBody);

In this example, the /example endpoint will return an HTTP 200 response with the string "This is an example response" as the body.