failed to instantiate java.util.list using constructor no_constructor with arguments

The exception Failed to instantiate java.util.List using constructor no_constructor with arguments occurs when Spring is unable to create an instance of a java.util.List object using the specified constructor no_constructor.

Here is an explanation of each step involved in this exception:

  1. This is the fully qualified name of the exception class that is thrown when Spring encounters an error while instantiating a mapped object.

  2. Failed to instantiate java.util.List: This part of the exception message indicates that Spring was unable to create an instance of a java.util.List object.

  3. using constructor no_constructor: The exception message also specifies the name of the constructor that was used to create the instance of the List object. In this case, the name of the constructor is no_constructor.

  4. with arguments: This part of the message indicates that the constructor being used requires arguments to be passed in, but Spring was not able to provide the necessary arguments for successful instantiation.

To resolve this exception, you need to ensure that the java.util.List object is being instantiated correctly. Check if the no_constructor constructor exists and if it requires any arguments. If arguments are required, make sure that they are provided when creating the List object.

Please note that the exception message you provided does not contain specific details about the context in which this exception is occurring. Additional information about the code and configuration would be helpful in providing a more precise solution.