mvn spring boot ends when closing vm

Language: Spring is a popular framework for building Java applications. When running a Spring Boot application using Maven (mvn), there are several steps involved. Here is an explanation of each step:

  1. Compilation: The source code of the Spring Boot application is compiled into bytecode. This step ensures that the code is syntactically correct and ready for execution.

  2. Packaging: Maven packages the compiled code along with its dependencies into an executable JAR (Java Archive) file. The JAR file contains all the necessary files and resources required to run the application.

  3. Dependency resolution: Maven resolves the dependencies defined in the project's pom.xml file. It downloads the required libraries and plugins from remote repositories or local cache. This ensures that all the required dependencies are available for the application to run successfully.

  4. Testing: Maven runs the defined tests in the application. It executes unit tests and integration tests to ensure the application behaves as expected. If any tests fail, Maven will provide a detailed report of the failures.

  5. Building: Maven builds the Spring Boot application by packaging the compiled code, dependencies, and resources into the final artifact. This artifact can be an executable JAR, a WAR (Web Archive), or any other format specified in the project configuration.

  6. Running the application: Once the application is built, Maven can execute the Spring Boot application using the "spring-boot:run" command. This command starts an embedded web server and deploys the application, making it accessible through a specified port.

  7. Closing the virtual machine (VM): When the Spring Boot application is terminated or the command is interrupted, the virtual machine (VM) running the application is closed. This releases any system resources held by the application, such as network connections or database connections.

Each of these steps plays a crucial role in building and running a Spring Boot application using Maven. Understanding these steps helps developers to effectively develop, test, and deploy Spring applications.