gradle springboot run

Spring is a popular framework for building Java applications, and Gradle is a build automation tool. When running a Spring Boot application using Gradle, the following steps are involved:

  1. Checking Dependencies: Gradle reads the build.gradle file to determine the dependencies required for the Spring Boot application. These dependencies are specified in the dependencies block of the build.gradle file.

  2. Downloading Dependencies: Gradle automatically downloads the required dependencies from the specified repositories. These dependencies are typically hosted in public repositories like Maven Central or JCenter.

  3. Compiling Source Code: Gradle compiles the Java source code files (.java) present in the project. It uses the information specified in the sourceSets block of the build.gradle file to determine the source code location.

  4. Running Tests: Gradle runs any tests written for the Spring Boot application. These tests are typically located in the src/test/java directory. Gradle uses testing frameworks like JUnit or TestNG to execute the tests.

  5. Building the Application: Gradle builds the Spring Boot application by packaging the compiled classes and resources into an executable JAR or WAR file. The build process is defined in the build.gradle file using the build task.

  6. Running the Application: Finally, Gradle executes the Spring Boot application using the 'bootRun' task. This task starts the embedded Tomcat server and deploys the application. The application can then be accessed using the specified port and context path.

By following these steps, developers can easily build and run their Spring Boot applications using Gradle. This allows them to focus on writing the application logic while Gradle takes care of the build and execution process.