get value from Spring

To retrieve values from the Spring file, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an file: In your Spring project, create a file named "" in the src/main/resources directory. This file will be used to store configuration properties for your application.

  2. Define properties in the file: Inside the file, you can define key-value pairs for your configuration properties. For example, you can define a property like " Application" to set the value of "" to "My Application".

  3. Use @Value annotation: In your Spring component or bean class, you can use the @Value annotation to inject the values from the file. For example, if you have a property defined as " Application", you can inject it into a field in your class using the following code:

java @Value("${}") private String applicationName;

In this code, the "${}" expression is used to reference the value of the "" property defined in the file. The value will be injected into the "applicationName" field.

  1. Access the property value: Once you have injected the property value into a field using the @Value annotation, you can access it in your code. For example, you can use the "applicationName" field like this:

java System.out.println("Application Name: " + applicationName);

This will print the value of the "" property from the file.

By following these steps, you can easily retrieve values from the Spring file using the @Value annotation.