enum type spring boot entity

Spring is a popular framework for building Java applications, and one of its key features is its support for defining and using enumerations (enum) types. In this context, we will explore how to create an enum type in a Spring Boot entity.

Here are the steps to create and use an enum type in a Spring Boot entity:

  1. Start by creating a new Java class for your enum type. This class should typically be placed in the same package as your entity class. For example, let's say we want to define an enum type called "Status" for a "User" entity. We would create a new file called "Status.java" and define our enum type inside it.

  2. Inside the "Status.java" file, define your enum type using the "enum" keyword. For example, we could define our "Status" enum type with three possible values: "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", and "PENDING". Each value should be separated by a comma.

  3. Optionally, you can also add additional properties or methods to your enum type. For example, you might want to add a property called "code" to each enum value to store a unique identifier. You can define these properties just like you would in a regular Java class.

  4. In your entity class (e.g., "User.java"), declare a field of your enum type. For example, we could add a field called "status" of type "Status" to the "User" entity class.

  5. Annotate the enum field with the appropriate annotation to map it to a database column. In Spring Boot, you can use the "@Enumerated" annotation with the "EnumType.STRING" attribute to store the enum value as a string in the database. For example, you could annotate the "status" field with "@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)".

  6. Save your changes and build your Spring Boot application. The enum field will now be persisted to the database as a string value, and you can use it like any other field in your entity class.

That's it! You have successfully created and used an enum type in a Spring Boot entity. Enums are a powerful way to represent a fixed set of values, and they can be especially useful when working with domain-specific models in your application.