diiferent ways to run spring boot

Different ways to run Spring Boot applications:

  1. Using Maven:
  2. Run the command "mvn spring-boot:run" in the terminal.
  3. Maven will automatically download the required dependencies and start the Spring Boot application.

  4. Using Gradle:

  5. Run the command "gradle bootRun" in the terminal.
  6. Gradle will handle the dependency resolution and start the Spring Boot application.

  7. Using an IDE:

  8. Import the Spring Boot project into an IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans.
  9. Right-click on the main class and select "Run" or "Debug" to start the application.

  10. Using the Spring Boot Maven Plugin:

  11. Add the Spring Boot Maven Plugin to your project's pom.xml file.
  12. Run the command "mvn spring-boot:run" in the terminal, or use the IDE's built-in Maven support to run the application.

  13. Using the Spring Boot CLI:

  14. Install the Spring Boot CLI (Command Line Interface) on your system.
  15. Navigate to the project directory and run the command "spring run .groovy" in the terminal.

  16. Packaging as an executable JAR:

  17. Build the project using Maven or Gradle.
  18. Run the generated JAR file using the command "java -jar .jar" in the terminal.

  19. Deploying to a server:

  20. Build the project using Maven or Gradle.
  21. Deploy the generated WAR or JAR file to a server like Apache Tomcat, Jetty, or WildFly.

Each of these methods has its advantages and may be suitable for different scenarios. It is important to choose the approach that best fits your development and deployment requirements.