spring component

// Step 1: Import required Spring framework annotations
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

// Step 2: Define a class and annotate it as a Spring component
public class MyComponent {

    // Step 3: Define methods or attributes as needed
    private String myAttribute;

    // Step 4: Define constructor(s) if needed
    public MyComponent() {
        // Constructor logic, if any

    // Step 5: Define business logic methods or other functionality
    public void myMethod() {
        // Method logic, if any

    // Step 6: Optionally, use additional annotations for specific purposes
    // For example, @Autowired for dependency injection

    // Step 7: (Optional) Define getter and setter methods for attributes

    public String getMyAttribute() {
        return myAttribute;

    public void setMyAttribute(String myAttribute) {
        this.myAttribute = myAttribute;