rust armanriazi error panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'

The error message you are encountering, "panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'" typically occurs when there are multiple mutable borrows of a variable at the same time, which is not allowed in Rust. To resolve this error, you need to ensure that you have exclusive mutable access to a variable when modifying it.

Here are a few common scenarios that can cause this error and how to fix them:

  1. Multiple mutable borrows in the same scope: If you have multiple mutable borrows of a variable within the same scope, you need to separate them or ensure that they don't overlap. For example, if you have a mutable reference x and then try to mutate it again while the reference is still in scope, you will encounter this error. To fix it, make sure you release the first mutable borrow before attempting another one.

  2. Mutable borrow inside an immutable borrow: If you have an immutable borrow of a variable and then try to obtain a mutable borrow within the same scope, you will encounter this error. To resolve it, you need to release the immutable borrow before attempting to obtain a mutable borrow.

  3. Mutable borrow across function calls: If you pass a mutable reference to a function and that function also tries to obtain a mutable borrow of the same variable, you will encounter this error. To fix it, you can either change the function signature to accept an immutable reference or refactor your code to avoid mutable borrows in both places.

Remember that in Rust, mutable borrows can't coexist in the same scope. You need to carefully manage your borrows to avoid this error. If you provide more specific code examples, I can help you further with resolving the error.