rust string slice

Rust String Slice

In Rust, a string slice is a reference to a portion of a string. It allows you to work with a part of a string without taking ownership of the entire string. String slices are represented by the type &str in Rust.

To create a string slice, you can use the & operator followed by the range of indices that represent the desired portion of the string. Here's an example:

fn main() {
    let s = "Hello, world!";

    let slice = &s[7..12];
    println!("{}", slice); // Output: world

In the example above, &s[7..12] creates a string slice that references the characters from index 7 to index 11 (inclusive) of the string s. The resulting string slice is then printed, which outputs "world".

String slices are useful when you want to work with a part of a string without modifying the original string. They are commonly used as function parameters to avoid unnecessary copying of string data.

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