rust convert binary data into ASCII text using Base64 RFC 4648.

To convert binary data into ASCII text using Base64 encoding in Rust, you can use the base64 crate. First, add the crate to your dependencies in your Cargo.toml file:

base64 = "0.13"

Then, you can use the base64::encode function to encode the binary data into Base64-encoded ASCII text. Here's an example:

use base64;

fn main() {
    let binary_data = vec![0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]; // Binary data (e.g., bytes) you want to encode
    let encoded_text = base64::encode(&binary_data);
    println!("Encoded text: {}", encoded_text);

This will output the Base64-encoded ASCII text representation of the binary data. Make sure to replace binary_data with your actual binary data.

To decode Base64-encoded ASCII text back into binary data, you can use the base64::decode function. Here's an example:

use base64;

fn main() {
    let encoded_text = "SGVsbG8="; // Base64-encoded ASCII text you want to decode
    let decoded_data = base64::decode(encoded_text).unwrap();
    println!("Decoded data: {:?}", decoded_data);

This will output the decoded binary data. Make sure to replace encoded_text with your actual Base64-encoded ASCII text.

Remember to import the base64 crate at the beginning of your Rust file:

use base64;

That's it! You now know how to convert binary data into ASCII text using Base64 encoding in Rust.