rust armanazi error [E0308]: mismatched types expected integer, found floating-point number

Error [E0308]: Mismatched types: expected integer, found floating-point number.

This error occurs when there is a type mismatch between an expected integer and a found floating-point number in Rust code.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the types match correctly. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the variable types: Make sure that the variable you are assigning the value to has the correct type. If you are assigning a floating-point number to an integer variable, you will encounter this error. You can either change the type of the variable to a floating-point number or convert the floating-point number to an integer using the as keyword.

  2. Use explicit type annotations: If you are using a function or an expression that returns a floating-point number but you need an integer, you can use explicit type annotations to convert the value to an integer. For example, you can use the as keyword followed by the desired type to convert the floating-point number to an integer.

  3. Use appropriate rounding methods: If you are dealing with floating-point numbers, you might encounter precision issues when converting them to integers. In such cases, you can use appropriate rounding methods like rounding up (ceil()), rounding down (floor()), or rounding to the nearest integer (round()).

Here's an example of how you can fix the error by converting a floating-point number to an integer using explicit type annotations:

fn main() {
    let float_num: f64 = 3.14;
    let int_num: i32 = float_num as i32;
    println!("Integer number: {}", int_num);

In this example, we explicitly convert the float_num variable from a f64 (floating-point number) to an i32 (integer) using the as keyword.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "mismatched types" error and ensure that the expected integer and found floating-point number types match in your Rust code.