rust armanazi error error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `val` ... thread

The Rust error you're encountering, error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: 'val', occurs when you try to use a value after it has been moved to a different location in memory. In Rust, when a value is moved, its ownership is transferred to the new location, and you can no longer access it from the original location.

To resolve this error, you need to ensure that you're not using the value after it has been moved. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  1. Moving the value to a different variable:
  2. If you're assigning the value to a different variable, make sure you're not using the original variable afterward.
  3. If you need to use the value in multiple places, consider using references or cloning the value instead of moving it.

  4. Passing the value to a function:

  5. If you pass the value to a function, make sure you're not using it afterward.
  6. If you need to use the value after passing it to a function, consider returning it from the function or passing a reference to the value instead.

  7. Returning the value from a function:

  8. If you're returning the value from a function, make sure you're not using it afterward.
  9. If you need to use the value after returning it, consider returning it as a reference instead.

By ensuring that you're not using a value after it has been moved, you can avoid the borrow of moved value error in Rust. Remember to review your code and check for any instances where you may be unintentionally moving values.