char is digit rust

In Rust, you can check if a character (char) is a digit using the char::is_digit method. This method returns true if the character is a decimal digit (0-9) and false otherwise. Here's an example:

fn main() {
    let ch1 = '7';
    let ch2 = 'x';

    if ch1.is_digit(10) {
        println!("{} is a digit", ch1);
    } else {
        println!("{} is not a digit", ch1);

    if ch2.is_digit(10) {
        println!("{} is a digit", ch2);
    } else {
        println!("{} is not a digit", ch2);


7 is a digit
x is not a digit

In this example, we use the is_digit method on ch1 and ch2 to check if they are digits. Since '7' is a digit, the first if condition is true and it prints "7 is a digit". However, 'x' is not a digit, so the second if condition is false and it prints "x is not a digit".