rust Pause execution for several seconds

To pause execution for several seconds in Rust, you can use the std::thread::sleep function from the standard library. This function allows you to specify the duration of the pause in seconds. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to pause execution for 5 seconds:

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    println!("Before sleep");


    println!("After sleep");

In this code, we import the necessary modules std::thread and std::time::Duration. We then call the thread::sleep function, passing in a Duration object created with Duration::from_secs(5) to specify a 5-second pause. After the pause, the program will continue executing and print "After sleep" to the console.

Please note that the thread::sleep function can potentially be interrupted, so it's important to handle any potential errors that may occur.