rust armanazi rc vs refcell

Rc and RefCell in Rust

In Rust, both Rc and RefCell are used to manage shared ownership and mutability of data. However, they differ in terms of their ownership guarantees and runtime behavior.


Rc stands for "reference counting" and is a type for creating shared ownership of a value. It allows multiple owners to hold references to the same data. Rc keeps track of the number of references to a value using reference counting. When the reference count drops to zero, the value is deallocated.

The main advantage of Rc is that it allows for easy and efficient sharing of immutable data between multiple parts of a program. It does not provide interior mutability, meaning that you cannot mutate the value through an Rc reference. This makes it a good choice for scenarios where the data does not need to be mutated after it is shared.

However, Rc is not thread-safe and cannot be used in concurrent scenarios where multiple threads need to mutate the shared data. Furthermore, Rc can only be used for single-threaded scenarios and cannot be used to share data across thread boundaries.


RefCell is a type that allows for dynamic borrowing of mutable or immutable references in a single-threaded context. It provides runtime borrow checking, unlike the static borrow checking done by the Rust compiler.

With RefCell, you can have multiple mutable or immutable references to the same data, as long as you follow the borrowing rules at runtime. If you violate the borrowing rules, a runtime panic will occur.

The advantage of RefCell is that it allows for more flexible mutability than Rc, as it can provide mutable references to its contained data. This can be useful in scenarios where you need to mutate the shared data after it has been borrowed.

However, RefCell has a runtime cost due to the runtime borrow checking. Additionally, it is not thread-safe and cannot be used in#### Rust: Rc vs RefCell

In Rust, Rc and RefCell are both used for interior mutability. Rc is a reference-counted smart pointer, allowing multiple ownership of data, while RefCell provides mutable access to data within an immutable value.

Rc allows multiple owners to share the same data, but it cannot be used to mutate the data. On the other hand, RefCell allows for mutable access to data, but it enforces the borrowing rules at runtime rather than at compile time.

In summary, Rc is used for reference counting and shared ownership, while RefCell is used for interior mutability within an immutable value.