rust armanazi error [E0782]: trait objects must include the `dyn` keyword

The error message you encountered is related to trait objects in Rust. In Rust, when you want to use a trait as a type, you need to use the dyn keyword. The error message [E0782] is specifically indicating that the dyn keyword is missing in the trait object declaration.

To fix this error, simply add the dyn keyword before the trait name in your code. For example, if you have a trait named MyTrait, you would need to change the code from:

let my_trait_object: &MyTrait = &my_struct;


let my_trait_object: &dyn MyTrait = &my_struct;

Adding the dyn keyword tells the Rust compiler that you are using a trait object and allows it to properly handle the dynamic dispatch of methods.

By making this change, the error should be resolved, and you should be able to compile your code successfully.