armanriazi rust error E0605 non-primitive cast

The Rust error E0605 is related to a non-primitive cast. This error occurs when you attempt to perform a cast that is not allowed by Rust's type system. Rust's type system is designed to prevent certain unsafe operations, and non-primitive casts are one such operation.

To resolve this error, you need to find an alternative approach that is allowed by Rust's type system. One option is to use the as keyword to perform a primitive cast. Primitive casts in Rust are limited to safe conversions between primitive types, such as u8 to u32 or i64 to f64.

If a non-primitive cast is necessary for your use case, you may need to reconsider your design and find a different solution that works within Rust's type system. Rust encourages safe programming practices, and it's important to adhere to these practices to prevent potential memory safety issues and improve code reliability.

By addressing the non-primitive cast error, you can ensure that your Rust code is type-safe and follows best practices.