rust armanriazi type wraper mutable

Rust: Type Wrapper and Mutability

In Rust, you can create a type wrapper by defining a new struct and implementing the desired traits for that struct. To make the type mutable, you can use the mut keyword when declaring the struct or its fields.

Here's an example of creating a type wrapper in Rust:

struct MyWrapper<T> {
    value: T,

impl<T> MyWrapper<T> {
    fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        MyWrapper { value }

    fn get(&self) -> &T {

    fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.value

In this example, MyWrapper is a generic struct that wraps a value of type T. The new function is used to create a new instance of MyWrapper with an initial value. The get method returns a reference to the wrapped value, while the get_mut method returns a mutable reference to the wrapped value.

You can use the type wrapper as follows:

fn main() {
    let mut wrapper = MyWrapper::new(42);
    println!("Value: {}", wrapper.get());
    *wrapper.get_mut() = 24;
    println!("New value: {}", wrapper.get());

In this example, we create a mutable instance of MyWrapper with an initial value of 42. We then print the value using the get method. After that, we use the get_mut method to get a mutable reference to the wrapped value and update it to 24. Finally, we print the updated value.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.