rust match wildcard

Rust Match Wildcard

In Rust, the match expression is used for pattern matching. The wildcard pattern _ can be used to match any value. It is often used as a catch-all case when you don't need to handle a specific value. Here's an example of using the wildcard pattern in a match expression:

fn main() {
    let value = 42;

    match value {
        0 => println!("Zero"),
        1 => println!("One"),
        _ => println!("Other"), // Wildcard pattern

In the above code, if the value is 0, it will print "Zero". If the value is 1, it will print "One". For any other value, the wildcard pattern _ will match, and it will print "Other".

The wildcard pattern can also be used in combination with other patterns. For example:

fn main() {
    let value = Some(42);

    match value {
        Some(0) => println!("Zero"),
        Some(1) => println!("One"),
        Some(_) => println!("Other"), // Wildcard pattern
        None => println!("None"),

In this case, if the value is Some(0), it will print "Zero". If the value is Some(1), it will print "One". If the value is Some with any other value, the wildcard pattern _ will match, and it will print "Other". If the value is None, it will print "None".

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.