rust Clean way to get Option::unwrap_or_else behaviour with an Option<&T>

You can use the map method in combination with the unwrap_or_else method to achieve a similar behavior with an Option<&T> in Rust. Here's an example:

let option_value: Option<&T> = Some(&value);
let default_value: T = / your default value here /;

let result =|v| *v).unwrap_or_else(|| default_value);

In this code snippet, we first use the map method on option_value to transform the Option<&T> to an Option<T> by dereferencing the reference v inside the closure. Then, we call unwrap_or_else on the resulting Option<T>, providing a closure that returns default_value if the option is None.

This approach allows you to handle the case where option_value is Some by unwrapping the inner value and using it, and handle the case where it is None by providing a default value.

Let me know if you need further assistance!