rust return the result with trait exit status

In Rust, you can return the result with the Result type, which includes an Ok variant for successful results and an Err variant for errors. The Result type is defined in the Rust standard library and is commonly used for error handling in Rust programs.

Here's an example of how to use the Result type to return a result with an exit status trait in Rust:

use std::process::ExitStatus;

fn my_function() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Perform some operations

    // If the operations are successful, return Ok(())

    // If there is an error, return Err with an exit status
    // For example, to return an exit status of 1:
    // Err(Box::new(ExitStatus::new(1)))

In this example, the my_function function returns a Result with the unit type () as the success value and a Box<dyn std::error::Error> as the error value. If the operations in the function are successful, Ok(()) is returned. If there is an error, Err is returned with an ExitStatus object representing the exit status.

Please note that the specific implementation of returning the exit status may vary depending on the context and requirements of your Rust program.