armanazi rust error E0277 `Point<{integer}, {float}>` cannot be formatted using `

Error E0277 in Rust is a common error that occurs when you try to format a value that does not implement the std::fmt::Display trait. The specific error message you mentioned, Point<{integer}, {float}> cannot be formatted using ., suggests that you are trying to format a Point struct containing an integer and a float.

To resolve this error, you need to implement the std::fmt::Display trait for your Point struct. This trait allows you to define how your struct should be formatted as a string when using the format! macro or similar formatting functions.

Here's an example of how you can implement std::fmt::Display for the Point struct:

struct Point<T, U> {
    x: T,
    y: U,

impl<T: std::fmt::Display, U: std::fmt::Display> std::fmt::Display for Point<T, U> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "({}, {})", self.x, self.y)

In this example, we define a generic Point struct with two type parameters T and U for the x and y coordinates respectively. We then implement the std::fmt::Display trait for Point<T, U>, where T and U must also implement std::fmt::Display. Inside the fmt method, we use the write! macro to format the struct as a string in the desired format, in this case, "(x, y)".

Once you have implemented std::fmt::Display for your Point struct, you should be able to format and display instances of Point without encountering the E0277 error.