rust struct default values

In Rust, you can set default values for struct fields using the Default trait. The Default trait provides a default implementation for creating an instance of a type with default values for all its fields.

To set default values for struct fields, you need to implement the Default trait for the struct and provide default values for each field. Here's an example:

struct MyStruct {
    field1: u32,
    field2: String,
    field3: bool,

fn main() {
    let my_struct = MyStruct::default();
    println!("{:?}", my_struct);

In the example above, the MyStruct struct implements the Default trait using the derive attribute. This allows you to create an instance of MyStruct with default values for all its fields using the default() method.

You can also override specific fields with custom values when creating an instance of the struct:

let my_struct = MyStruct {
    field1: 42,

In this case, the field1 will have a value of 42, while field2 and field3 will have their default values.

Please note that the Default trait can only be derived for structs where all fields implement the Default trait themselves. If any field doesn't implement Default, you'll need to manually implement the Default trait for the struct and provide custom default values for those fields.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.