rust armanazi error [E0507]: cannot move out of `self.step` which is behind a mutable reference self.curr += self.step;

The error message cannot move out of 'self.step' which is behind a mutable reference in Rust occurs when you try to move a value out of a borrowed reference. This is not allowed because it would leave the borrowed reference in an invalid state. To fix this error, you can either clone the value or use a mutable reference instead of moving the value. Here's an example of how you can resolve this issue:

struct MyStruct {
    curr: i32,
    step: i32,

impl MyStruct {
    fn update_curr(&mut self) {
        // Clone the value instead of moving it
        self.curr += self.step.clone();

By cloning the value of self.step, you avoid moving it out of the borrowed reference and resolve the error.