rust armanriazi error [E0277]: `Rc>` cannot be sent between threads safely `Rc>` cannot be sent between threads safely

Error Explanation

The error message you encountered, error[E0277]: Rc<T> cannot be sent between threads safely, indicates that you are trying to send an Rc<T> instance between multiple threads, which is not allowed in Rust. The Rc<T> type represents a reference-counted smart pointer, which allows multiple ownership of a value within a single thread. However, it is not designed to be shared across multiple threads.


To resolve this error, you have a few options:

  1. Use Arc<T> instead of Rc<T>: The Arc<T> type is similar to Rc<T>, but it is designed to be safely shared across multiple threads. You can replace Rc<T> with Arc<T> to ensure thread safety. Arc<T> stands for "atomic reference count," and it provides atomic reference counting, allowing multiple threads to share ownership of a value.

  2. Wrap the Rc<T> in a Mutex or RwLock: If you need to share the Rc<T> instance across multiple threads, you can wrap it in a synchronization primitive like Mutex or RwLock. These primitives allow for safe concurrent access to shared data. However, keep in mind that using locks can introduce potential performance overhead and may require careful handling to avoid deadlocks.

  3. Consider using Send and Sync traits: If you are confident that the T type inside Rc<T> is safe to be sent between threads, you can implement the Send and Sync traits for T. This approach requires ensuring that the type T satisfies the necessary thread safety requirements.

Here's an example of using Arc<T> to share data between threads:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let data = Arc::new(42);

    let thread1 = {
        let data = Arc::clone(&data);
        thread::spawn(move || {
            // Use `data` in the first thread
            println!("Thread 1: data = {}", data);

    let thread2 = {
        let data = Arc::clone(&data);
        thread::spawn(move || {
            // Use `data` in the second thread
            println!("Thread 2: data = {}", data);


In this example, Arc::clone is used to create multiple reference-counted pointers to the same data, and each thread receives a clone of the Arc<T>. This ensures that the reference count is incremented and decremented correctly, allowing safe sharing of the data between threads.

By following one of these approaches, you should be able to resolve the Rc<T> cannot be sent between threads safely error in Rust.