rust armanriazi let const

In Rust, the let keyword is used to declare and bind a new variable. Here's an example:

let x = 5;

In this case, x is the variable name and 5 is the value assigned to it. The type of x will be inferred by the compiler based on the assigned value.

The const keyword is used to declare a constant value. Constants are immutable and their values cannot be changed once assigned. Here's an example:

const PI: f32 = 3.14159;

In this example, PI is the constant name and 3.14159 is the value assigned to it. The type annotation f32 specifies that the constant has a floating-point type.

It's worth noting that constants can only be assigned to constant expressions, which are evaluated at compile-time. Variables declared with let can have different values assigned to them at runtime.

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