rust armanriazi trait PartialEq

Rust: PartialEq Trait

The PartialEq trait in Rust is used to implement the equality comparison (==) operator for a custom type. It allows you to define how two instances of a type should be compared for equality.

To use the PartialEq trait, you need to implement it for your custom type by providing an implementation block for the trait. Here's an example:

struct MyStruct {
    // fields

impl PartialEq for MyStruct {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        // implementation of equality comparison

In the example above, MyStruct is a custom type, and we are implementing the PartialEq trait for it. The eq method is used to define the equality comparison logic for the type.

The eq method takes two parameters: self and other, both of type &Self. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the two instances are equal or not.

Inside the eq method, you can compare the fields of self and other to determine equality. You can use the == operator to compare individual fields.

Once you have implemented the PartialEq trait for your type, you can use the == operator to compare instances of your type for equality.


fn main() {
    let instance1 = MyStruct { / initialize fields / };
    let instance2 = MyStruct { / initialize fields / };

    if instance1 == instance2 {
        println!("Instances are equal");
    } else {
        println!("Instances are not equal");

In the example above, we create two instances of MyStruct and compare them using the == operator. If the instances are equal, the program will print "Instances are equal"; otherwise, it will print "Instances are not equal".

That's how you can use the PartialEq trait in Rust to implement equality comparison for a custom type.