slice indices are of type usize rust

In Rust, slice indices are of type usize. This means that when working with slices in Rust, you use usize values to specify the start and end indices of the slice. The usize type represents the size of a pointer on the current platform, which is typically 32 bits or 64 bits.

Here are some Rust libraries/crates that you might find helpful for various algorithms and tasks:

  • nlopt: A wrapper for the nlopt library.
  • lightningscanner: A lightning-fast memory pattern scanner capable of scanning gigabytes of data per second.
  • fast_ode: A fast Runge-Kutta implementation for solving ordinary differential equations.
  • mersenne-twister-m: A Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator.
  • algorithms-rs: A library that provides an introduction to algorithms using the Rust programming language.
  • fastapprox: A library that provides fast approximate versions of certain functions that arise in machine learning.
  • rand_simple: A random number generator that is independent from other libraries and based on XOR shift.
  • piper: A library that provides async pipes, channels, mutexes, and more.
  • line-col: A library that converts string slice indices into line/column numbers.
  • or-tools: Unofficial Rust wrappers to the C++ library Google OR-Tools, which is open-source software for combinatorial optimization.
  • mctser: An incredibly easy-to-use library for Monte Carlo Tree Search.
  • numbers_rus: A library that provides advanced algorithms for astronomy.
  • easy_base64: A package that provides base64 encode/decode functions.
  • median: A library that provides efficient median calculation.

Please note that these libraries are just a few examples, and there are many more available for different purposes. You can explore these libraries further to find the ones that best suit your needs.
