rust armanriazi trait

Rust Trait

In Rust, a trait is a way to define a set of methods that a type must implement. It is similar to an interface in other programming languages. Traits allow for code reuse and enable polymorphism in Rust.

To define a trait in Rust, you use the trait keyword followed by the trait name. Inside the trait block, you can define method signatures that the implementing types must provide. Here's an example:

trait Printable {
    fn print(&self);

In this example, the Printable trait defines a single method print that takes a reference to self as an argument. Any type that implements the Printable trait must provide an implementation for the print method.

To implement a trait for a type, you use the impl keyword followed by the trait name. Here's an example of implementing the Printable trait for a Person struct:

struct Person {
    name: String,

impl Printable for Person {
    fn print(&self) {
        println!("Name: {}",;

In this example, the Person struct implements the Printable trait by providing an implementation for the print method. Now, you can call the print method on a Person instance.

let person = Person {
    name: String::from("John"),

person.print(); // Output: Name: John

Traits can also have associated types and default implementations for methods. They are a powerful feature in Rust that enables code reuse and abstraction.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.