rust what does the double colon mean?

In Rust, the double colon (::) is used to access items within modules, such as functions, structs, or enums. It is also used to access associated functions and associated types of traits.

For example, to call a function foo that is defined within a module bar, you would use the double colon like this: bar::foo().

Similarly, to access an associated function baz of a struct Qux, you would use the double colon like this: Qux::baz().

The double colon is also used to access associated types of traits. For example, if a trait Trait has an associated type Item, you can refer to it using the double colon like this: Trait::Item.

Please note that the double colon is not used for method calls on instances of structs or enums. For that, you would use the dot (.) operator.

I hope this explanation helps!