rust match enum

Rust: Matching Enums

In Rust, you can use the match expression to match and handle different variants of an enum. The match expression allows you to compare the value of an enum and execute different code based on the matched variant.

Here's the general syntax of the match expression in Rust:

match value {
    Variant1 => {
        // code to execute when value matches Variant1
    Variant2 => {
        // code to execute when value matches Variant2
    // more patterns...

Each variant of the enum is listed as a pattern, followed by the code to execute when the value matches that pattern. You can have multiple patterns separated by commas.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of match with an enum:

enum Fruit {

fn main() {
    let fruit = Fruit::Apple;

    match fruit {
        Fruit::Apple => {
            println!("It's an apple!");
        Fruit::Banana => {
            println!("It's a banana!");
        Fruit::Orange => {
            println!("It's an orange!");

In this example, the match expression is used to match the fruit variable against the different variants of the Fruit enum. The code inside each arm of the match expression is executed based on the matched variant.

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