use module within another module rust

To use a module within another module in Rust, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create the outer module by using the mod keyword followed by the module name. For example, to create an outer module named outer_module, you would write:

rust mod outer_module { // code for the outer module }

  1. Inside the outer module, create the inner module by using the mod keyword followed by the inner module name. For example, to create an inner module named inner_module, you would write:

rust mod outer_module { mod inner_module { // code for the inner module } }

  1. Use the inner module within the outer module by using the use keyword followed by the module path. For example, to use the inner_module within the outer_module, you would write:

```rust mod outer_module { mod inner_module { // code for the inner module }

   use self::inner_module; // using the inner module

} ```

Note that the self:: prefix is used to refer to the current module.

That's how you can use a module within another module in Rust. Let me know if you need further assistance!