rust square root

To calculate the square root of a number in Rust, you can use the sqrt function provided by the f64 module. Here's an example:

fn main() {
    let num = 16.0;
    let square_root = num.sqrt();
    println!("The square root of {} is {}", num, square_root);

In this example, we declare a variable num and assign it the value 16.0. We then call the sqrt function on num to calculate its square root, and store the result in the square_root variable. Finally, we use println! to display the original number and its square root.

The output of this program will be:

The square root of 16.0 is 4

Note that the sqrt function is specifically for floating-point numbers (f64). If you want to calculate the square root of an integer, you can convert it to a floating-point number first using the as keyword.