rust const string

In Rust, you can define a constant string using the const keyword followed by the name of the constant, a colon, and the type annotation &str. Here's an example:

const MY_STRING: &str = "Hello, World!";

In the above code, MY_STRING is the name of the constant, &str is the type annotation indicating that it is a string slice, and "Hello, World!" is the value assigned to the constant.

It's important to note that constant strings in Rust are required to have a fixed size known at compile-time. They cannot be modified or resized during runtime.

Constants are typically declared in the global scope and have a static lifetime, meaning they remain in memory for the entire duration of the program.

You can use the constant string in your code like any other string variable. For example, you can print it using the println! macro:

fn main() {
    println!("{}", MY_STRING);

This will output:

Hello, World!

That's how you can define a constant string in Rust using the const keyword.