Split text on several separators

To split text on multiple separators in Rust, you can use the split method from the str type. This method allows you to specify a single character separator, but you can use it multiple times to split on different separators. Here's an example:

fn main() {
    let text = "Hello, world! This is a sample text.";

    let separators = [' ', ',', '!'];

    let split_text: Vec<&str> = text.split(separators.as_ref()).collect();

    for word in split_text {
        println!("{}", word);

In this example, the text variable contains the input text that you want to split. The separators array contains the characters that you want to use as separators. In this case, we are using a space, comma, and exclamation mark as separators.

The split method is called on the text variable, passing in the separators array as an argument. This will split the text at each occurrence of any of the characters in the separators array.

The result of the split method is an iterator, so we use the collect method to collect the iterator into a Vec<&str>. This will give us a vector of substrings, where each substring is a part of the original text that was separated by one of the specified characters.

Finally, we iterate over the split_text vector and print each substring.

This will output the following:


Each word or substring is printed on a separate line.