rust char uppercase

To convert a char to uppercase in Rust, you can use the to_uppercase method provided by the char type. This method returns a new char that represents the uppercase version of the original character. Here's an example:

fn main() {
    let c: char = 'a';
    let uppercase_c = c.to_uppercase();
    println!("Uppercase: {}", uppercase_c);

This code will output:

Uppercase: A

In this example, we first declare a variable c of type char and assign it the value 'a'. We then call the to_uppercase method on c to get the uppercase version of the character, which is assigned to the variable uppercase_c. Finally, we print the value of uppercase_c, which will be 'A'.

Note that the to_uppercase method returns an iterator over the uppercase characters because some characters may have multiple uppercase representations or may not have an uppercase equivalent. To convert the iterator back to a single char, you can use the next method.