rust simple search and replace regex

To perform a simple search and replace using regular expressions in Rust, you can use the regex crate. Here's an example code snippet:

use regex::Regex;

fn main() {
    let input = "Hello, world!";
    let re = Regex::new(r"world").unwrap();
    let result = re.replace_all(input, "Rust");
    println!("{}", result);

In this example, we import the Regex struct from the regex crate. We then create a new Regex object by calling Regex::new() and passing the regular expression pattern as a string. Next, we use the replace_all() method of the Regex object to replace all occurrences of the pattern in the input string with the desired replacement string. Finally, we print the result.

Please note that you need to add the regex crate to your Cargo.toml file in order to use it in your Rust project. You can do this by adding the following line under the [dependencies] section:

regex = "1.5"

This will ensure that the latest version of the regex crate is used in your project.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.