rust struct

Rust Struct

In Rust, a struct is a data structure that allows you to group together multiple related values into a single compound value. It is similar to a class in other programming languages. Here is an example of how to define a struct in Rust:

struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u32,
    is_employed: bool,

In this example, we define a struct called Person with three fields: name, age, and is_employed. The name field is of type String, the age field is of type u32 (an unsigned 32-bit integer), and the is_employed field is of type bool (a boolean value).

To create an instance of the Person struct and initialize its fields, you can use the following code:

let person = Person {
    name: String::from("John"),
    age: 30,
    is_employed: true,

In this code, we create a variable called person of type Person and initialize its fields with the specified values.

You can access the fields of a struct using dot notation, like this:

println!("Name: {}",;
println!("Age: {}", person.age);
println!("Is Employed: {}", person.is_employed);

This will print the values of the name, age, and is_employed fields of the person struct.

That's a brief overview of how to define and use a struct in Rust. Let me know if you have any further questions.