how to create a window in rust lang

To create a window in Rust, you can use a library like glfw or winit. Here is an example using the glfw crate:

use glfw::{Context, WindowHint, WindowMode};

fn main() {
    // Initialize GLFW
    let mut glfw = glfw::init(glfw::FAIL_ON_ERRORS).unwrap();

    // Set window hints

    // Create a window
    let (mut window, events) = glfw.create_window(800, 600, "Window Title", WindowMode::Windowed)
        .expect("Failed to create GLFW window");

    // Make the window's context current

    // Main event loop
    while !window.should_close() {

        // Other window operations and rendering can be done here


This code initializes GLFW, sets window hints, creates a window with a specified size and title, makes the window's context current, and enters a main event loop. Inside the event loop, you can perform other window operations and rendering.

Make sure to add glfw as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file:

glfw = "0.39.0"

This is a basic example, and you can find more details and options in the documentation of the respective libraries (glfw or winit) for creating and interacting with windows in Rust.