rust prime factorization

Prime Factorization in Rust

To perform prime factorization in Rust, you can use various algorithms. One common algorithm is the trial division method, which involves dividing the number by prime numbers starting from 2 until the number is fully factored. Here's an example implementation:

fn prime_factorization(n: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
    let mut factors = Vec::new();
    let mut num = n;
    let mut divisor = 2;

    while num > 1 {
        if num % divisor == 0 {
            num /= divisor;
        } else {
            divisor += 1;


fn main() {
    let number = 84;
    let factors = prime_factorization(number);
    println!("Prime factors of {}: {:?}", number, factors);

In this example, the prime_factorization function takes an unsigned 64-bit integer n as input and returns a vector factors containing the prime factors of n. The function uses a while loop to repeatedly divide num by divisor until num becomes 1. If divisor is a factor of num, it is added to the factors vector, and num is divided by divisor. If divisor is not a factor, it is incremented by 1. The process continues until num becomes 1, indicating that all prime factors have been found.

In the main function, an example number 84 is passed to the prime_factorization function, and the resulting prime factors are printed.

Please note that this is just one implementation of prime factorization in Rust, and there are other algorithms and optimizations available.