how to split a string by spaces rust

To split a string by spaces in Rust, you can use the split_whitespace() method from the SplitWhitespace iterator. Here's an example:

fn main() {
    let my_string = "Hello Rust programming";
    let split_result: Vec<&str> = my_string.split_whitespace().collect();
    println!("{:?}", split_result);

This code splits the my_string variable into substrings based on whitespace and collects them into a Vec<&str>. The resulting vector, split_result, will contain the individual words from the original string. Finally, the code prints the contents of the split_result vector.

This will produce the following output:

["Hello", "Rust", "programming"]

In this example, the split_whitespace() method splits the string at every whitespace character (spaces, tabs, and newlines), resulting in the individual words being stored as separate elements in the vector.