rust string to char array

To convert a Rust string into a char array, you can use the as_bytes method, which returns a byte slice representing the string. Then, you can convert each byte into a char using the char::from function. Here's an example:

let my_string = String::from("Hello, world!");

let bytes = my_string.as_bytes();
let mut char_array = [0 as char; my_string.len()];

for (i, &byte) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
    char_array[i] = char::from(byte);

In this example, my_string is the Rust string that you want to convert. We first obtain the byte slice representation of the string using as_bytes(). Then, we create a mutable char array char_array with the same length as the string. We iterate over the bytes of the string, converting each byte into a char using char::from, and assign it to the corresponding index in the char array.

Now, char_array will contain the characters of the string as an array of chars.