rust get command line arguments

To get command line arguments in Rust, you can use the std::env::args function. Here's an example:

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    // The first argument is the path to the executable
    println!("Executable path: {}", args[0]);

    // The rest of the arguments are the command line arguments
    for arg in args.iter().skip(1) {
        println!("Argument: {}", arg);

In this example, env::args returns an iterator over the command line arguments. We collect the iterator into a Vec<String> to access the arguments by index. The first argument (args[0]) is the path to the executable, and the rest of the arguments can be accessed using a loop.

Please note that the above code assumes that you are using the std::env module from the Rust standard library. If you are using a different environment or framework, the method for getting command line arguments may vary.