time_ago_in_words for created_at model in rails

The time_ago_in_words method in Ruby on Rails is a helpful tool for displaying a human-readable representation of a time interval. It is commonly used to show how long ago a specific timestamp occurred.

To use the time_ago_in_words method in a Rails application, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Ensure the gem is installed

Make sure that the rails gem is included in your Gemfile. If it's not already there, add the following line:

gem 'rails'

Then, run bundle install to install the gem.

Step 2: Include the ActionView module

To use the time_ago_in_words method, you need to include the ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper module in your view or controller. You can do this by adding the following line:

include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper

Step 3: Use the time_ago_in_words method

Once you have included the ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper module, you can call the time_ago_in_words method to display a human-readable time interval. Pass in the timestamp you want to convert as an argument to the method, like this:


The created_at argument should be a timestamp, such as the created_at attribute of a model object.

Step 4: Display the result

To display the result of the time_ago_in_words method, you can simply output it in your view or assign it to a variable. For example, you can do something like:

<%= time_ago_in_words(created_at) %>

This will output a human-readable representation of the time interval since the created_at timestamp.

That's it! By following these steps, you can use the time_ago_in_words method in your Rails application to display how long ago a specific timestamp occurred.